Why Return on Expectations... ROE is What You Measure With Your Elearning Management Solution.
Most people consider ROI the most important thing to measure when it comes to determining if your training program, system or solution is paying off.
I submit to you that your ROE, return on expectations... may be a more important area of evaluation, initially.
From an ROI perspective your training program, system or solution should be evaluated based on what your “expectations” on measurement of success should be. For example, what are your realistic expectations regarding cost savings? How much money do you need to save for you to consider your program a success? What is the overall business impact of your training program? Is there improved productivity and how much of an improvement is needed for you to consider your program a success?
Once you determine your expectations, then you can determine your ROI.
Next, you’ll need to consider how the information you’ve gathered should be used. Will the information be used as a tool for budget justification, support for additional programs or perhaps a corporate case study/
How do you measure “training impact”?
Here are some key benchmarks you need to evaluate when determining if your training program makes sense... and the amount of emphasis you should place on each.
• ROI = 5%-10%
• Business Results = 20%
• Job Impact = 30%
• Learning = 70%
• Satisfaction = 100%
Questions to Evaluate:
• Did they like the course? What % of skills was new? Did they use the material on the job? Are they planning on applying the new skills?
• How much time does the new skill save? How many fewer errors are the employees making as a result?
• How much money can they save? How many new orders can they take? How many new files are they able to process faster?
• What can they now do that they couldn’t do before? What opportunities does this open up for the organization? Is there a $$ amount that can be associated with the opportunities?
So, making it simple – you should judge your program “heavily” on two factors... 1-) are they learning faster and are they using the new skills? 2-) are they satisfied with the program material?
You need to obtain this information through post-event surveys and follow-up surveys. Pre and post-follow-up assessments are critical evaluation tools that you should be using on an ongoing basis.
Remember... when implementing an elearning management solution or a computer based learning program – how you plan your program initially from set up... can make all the difference.
Think “program” not “course”. For your program you’ll need to plan the communication, how your training will be scheduled and delivered – and what the realistic expectation criteria is for evaluation of your program later.
Here are the critical items – the “blueprint” for your training program roll-out and evaluation.
1. Identify your target learners. Who is your group? What is the learning path? You identify them through manager surveys and online assessments.
2. Determine what learners need. What is the learning material for this group? How does it relate to your business goals or solving your business “gaps” or problems? Again the use of manager surveys, online assessments and having a clear understanding of the companies objectives.
3. Identify pre-requisite skills. What building blocks are needed? Determined through the use of learner surveys and assessments.
4. Preparing the learner for learning. This involves more one to one interaction through meetings with managers, conference calls and webinars.
5. Preparing the managers for coaching and supporting the learners. Again, this is done through conf calls, webinars and face to face meetings with managers
6. Scheduling and delivery. Determine what the proper mix of repetition and frequency is. How might your employees benefit from emphasized and timed delivery of certain material through automated engagement? Which material needs to be reinforced regularly and what is the timeline for that? What are the delivery mechanisms? Classroom, elearning, books, CD’s, DVD’s, webinars, teleseminars, collaboration, etc.,
7. Applying the learning. Evaluate how each employee learns. Are they auditory, visual or kinesthetic? Classroom observation is needed. Role plays and collaborative interaction should be evaluated. Learning labs and simulations should be implemented.
8. Providing support and reinforcement – can be evaluated with surveys, assessments, repetition and frequency of message through elearning delivery; group interaction and collaboration.
9. Tracking the learning – through your elearning management solution or LMS.
10. Ensuring learning is being used – through progress monitoring from your elearning management solution or LMS.
11. Keeping the learning current – by always evaluating your material through ongoing surveys, assessments and meeting with managers.
Know what you want to measure and why... before you implement you computer based learning program. Know what your realistic expectations are for evaluation.
Being smart up front can save you a lot of time, money and resources later.
George Ritacco