Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Elearning... A Friend or Foe?

According to the latest research over in the U.K., an increasing number of firms... approx. 200 firms comprising of 1000 individuals - have recognized and realized the many possibilities and benefits of elearning.

Actually, the research found that 80 per cent of employers thought e-learning was uniquely accessible, cost-effective and flexible. Hmmm, sound familiar?

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Here were a few other "nuggets" from the research report:

  1. Elearning provided for responding rapidly to changes in their marketplace.
  2. Accessed quickly, widely and cost-effectively by staff regardless of where they are and their hours of work.
  3. Electronic delivery increased both staff productivity and motivation.

That... ladies and gentlemen is the essence of CruiseControlTraining. I couldn't have said it any better myself.

You need to embrace the newest training technologies. They can help!

Elearning empowers a training department with speed, flexibility and renewed focus.

How do you put a price tag on that?

Remember... in the scheme of things, the question isn't really - "how can I afford elearning?" The question really is... "how can you not?"

Here's the rest of the article. Workplace e-learning 'increasingly popular' : Industry News : News : BCS

Happy Valentine's Day.



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