The E-Learning "Yellow Pages" Assessment Tool
Now this is pretty interesting.... has created a self assessment tool that allows students/trainees the ability to see if the concept of "elearning" is right for them.
The online assessment simply asks questions based on the current behaviors and interests of the prospective student. The assessment results will also offer some other tips based on the user's answers - for example if time management skills or computer skills should be improved or addressed, and it provides resources to also better those skills.
Pretty Neat! Opinions? If you're wondering if elearning is right for you... why don't you hop on over and try it out. AND IF YOU DO... please stop back and let me know what you thought. Thanks!
Newswire / Press Release: E-Learning Yellow Pages Announces Self Assessment - Education/e-Learning/Training | NewswireToday: " now offers a self-assessment for those thinking of learning on-line to find out if distance learning is the right choice. By answering 20 simple questions helps prospective distance learning students if on-line learning will be the beneficial method of delivery."
Best Always,
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