Training Success - Principle #2
Back on April 3rd, I wrote an article that brought to light a concept that I've believed in for about 12 years now.
It's a concept that has been proven over and over again by training professionals the world over.
I didn't invent it, but I happened upon it and have used it successfully - whenever I could.
In this post, I'm going to continue with the message from April 3 and discuss the second principle of Training Success, known as "Engage".
Sense-able Follow-up and Execution.
Your communication has to be able to crumble any wall or dissolve any barrier - consciously or subconsciously - that prevents your employees from learning as quickly as they can. The faster they learn, the more effective they'll be, on the job making it count. If these people aren't ready fast enough, or better yet - aren't effectively performing the task at hand... they're gone. And it's all your fault.
Now I know your probably saying to yourself.. "Wait a minute, why is it my fault?" But it is your fault. You hold the keys to their success. It all starts with you.
I've trained people most of my working life. And I did most of my training before there was any real technology that could make life easier. What you did then, you did yourself. Ten years ago I discovered a very important persuasion principle and it changed the way I communicated and dramatically affected the level of influence I commanded over my trainees.
We all know that to properly train anybody on anything - the content must be rock-solid. However, the "training elite", all know of something even more powerful than content alone. Do you want to know the secret to delivering your training messages, with laser-beam accuracy - every time?
And I don't mean just to deliver it. Your trainees must understand AND remember your message, as well. There's only one way to do that every time.
That's where most trainers fall off. They teach, but they don't engage. When you don't engage you short change the employee, yourself and your company. You must engage. In my book - there is nothing more important.
So I ask you - do you engage your employees? Do you deliver training content that interacts with them and stimulates their "inner-learner" to want to know and understand more?
If your not, your failing them.
Engagement is not difficult, but it takes practice. Now I'm not going to give you a training lesson on engagement - however I will tell you the easiest way to engage anyone, whether it be your trainee, a manager or an employee.
To Engage is to Involve Their Senses.
When you involve the senses, your content has a way of permeating the mind at a much faster rate than if they were reading material from a book. It's just a fact. The senses are an "opened" door to your subconscious. Any time you can engage the senses, your employees stand a greater chance of recall.
That's why you can easily remember the words to a song or a line from a good movie. When the senses are engaged, it's easier for the mind to "record" the message.
Now, when you add a consistent, follow-up content delivery plan to your mix - you increase the overall success that your trainee will remember and communicate your message - in the field or on the job - WHEN IT COUNTS!
A Transformation in as Little as 30 Days.
I used to say, "I sure hope things will change." Then I discovered that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change.
The name of this website is cruisecontroltraining. And why is that do you think? Well, the entire idea behind cruise control is the ability to put your training program on autopilot.
Eliminating the day-to-day, arduous "grunt work" from your life is the first step. You need to find a way to minimize your exposure to "administration" and find ways to maximize your efforts towards growth, development and solving problems.
When all of the facets of your training program are working for you in unison – that’s called SYNCHRONICITY. And that is what our clients have come to respect and what you can expect as you move closer towards Training Success. Our goal is to help you synchronize your entire program and automatically schedule, deliver and track it according to your master plan, on time – flawlessly. We've perfected a system that delivers on what it promises.
The truly special part about all of this is that you will now be able to easily create and deliver "engaging" content with automatic, consistent follow-up - leading to improved employee productivity and recall.
Get Up To Speed and Go Remote!
For the first time, trainers are allowed to sit “behind the wheel” and discover the comfort of a smooth & consistent ride; confident enough to flip the cruise-control switch, any time they want to... and put their entire training program on autopilot. Imagine if you would - hiring 10 new people who are all starting tomorrow. With a few key strokes, everyone has a pre-planned, training "blueprint" scheduled and delivered for them automatically. Your entire company is put in "training mode" - where everyone becomes involved, there's never any guess-work and no one misses a beat.
What does that mean to you? Again, the bigger picture. You can now lead.
Don’t “spin your wheels” anymore!
Think constant movement. Think unyielding momentum. The old days of procrastination and "standing still" are over. Remain “cool” and “relaxed” and look forward to the time when 50 new hires are starting.
One of the most exciting things in life is when you can exceed someone's expectations. When the timing is right - it's true bliss! Imagine a system that automatically grabs hold of your 50 people, maps out their training schedules instantly and delivers your training program in seconds. It just blows people's minds.
Transform your training department today and open the door to....
- Increased Productivity
- Engaged Employees
- Improved Morale
- Higher Knowledge Retention
- Improved Results
- A "Real" Competitive Edge
- Better Execution
- Improved Communication
- Decreased Turnover
"There are two ways to face the future.One way is with apprehension.The other is with anticipation."-Jim Rohn
If you truly want to make a difference, then you need to stop making a living and start "designing a life." You can start by understanding the real reason why most training programs teeter on the brink of disaster.When you discover the final principle and claim it as your own, you can finally live your life on your own terms and deliver an exceptional training program.
If you're ready and want to find out about Training Success Principle #3...
go here:
Stay Loose.