Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Online Training on Autopilot Series...Persuasion Through Influence. PART 4 of 4

In our previous articles, we defined the Principles of Influence and how they can be used to help engage your trainees, motivate your employees and salespeople and most importantly, compel your customers to act.

Switching gears for a moment...

Did you know you can “influence” on autopilot?

When you have the right systems in place, every element of your business and organization runs much more smoothly and is much more effective.

I’m a believer in a systematic approach to everything. I define a “system” as a provable, reliable method, tool or set of actions that provide me with a solution to a problem or job function.

Of course, every system I use, I’m able to adjust my level of input and “hands on” requirements as needed. There is always a bit of tweaking involved to get them to do exactly what it is I need them to do, but when everything is just right – hallelujah!

When I can spend more time with my family and friends and know that my “system” is handling things for me as well – then I have the perfect situation.

When incorporating a system to do work for you, whether it’s to fill in a gap or take over a function – the system must be “flexible”. When I say flexible I really mean to say that anything too “rigid” in life is not a good thing. Keeping a sense of flexibility, keeps you and your organization loose. If you need to make a few adjustments, then they need to be easy to do. If you need to make a change to your system and its like “reinventing the wheel” every time to do so – dump the system.

Our system, OmniTrackPlus ( is an online training and development system that allows you to put your entire training program, on autopilot. Online training has never been so simple and yet, so effective. With the system’s proven, robust automation tools, you have the ability to systematically engage, interact with and influence your trainees... while you sleep.

Influence your employees on autopilot with rich-media, audio/video presentations that “engage the senses”. When the senses are engaged, information is recorded at a much faster and higher level.

When you can train your employees on autopilot.. a trainer’s life becomes that much easier to manage. When you can devote more of your time to the functions and goals that really matter to you, your employees and your organization.. you create more value for yourself and training as it relates to a core business function.

Let’s face it, when budgets are tight – training seems to be the first thing to go or pay a price. By putting systems in place and leveraging technology.. you position you and your department for success.

Here's to your success!

George Ritacco


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